Migrating to IPv6 on AWS

  If you have an existing VPC that supports IPv4 only, and resources in your subnet that are configured to use IPv4 only, you can enable IPv6 support for your VPC and resources. Your VPC can operate in dual-stack mode — your resources can communicate over IPv4, or IPv6, or both. IPv4 and IPv6 communication are independent of each other.     阅读全文
Junyangz's avatar
Junyangz 4月 04, 2017


ELK & SENSUSENSUSensu Server and API installationInstall Redis and Configure Redissudo apt-get -y install redis-server sudo update-rc.d redis-server defaults sudo vim /etc/redis/redis.conf Change “bind” to “bind” #VPC USE ONLY! sudo service redis-server restart redis-cli ping     阅读全文
Junyangz's avatar
Junyangz 3月 07, 2017